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Is Scratch Safe for Kids? What Parents Should Know

The realm of online education has seen a massive upswing in recent years, with Scratch leading the way as a beloved programming platform among youngsters. Touted as the digital playground where kids can create their games, animations, and stories, Scratch has certainly made its mark. Yet, as with all online platforms, there’s an underlying question that looms: Is scratch safe for our kids? Online safety for children is paramount in our digital age, making it crucial to understand the dynamics of platforms like Scratch.

Is Scratch Safe for Kids?

Short answer: YES! But with parental guidance.

As a parent or guardian, introducing your child to the digital realm can be fraught with concerns about their online safety. Scratch recognizes these concerns and has risen to the occasion. While it provides a vibrant platform for children to explore and create, it never compromises on safety. However, as with any online platform, the best results are achieved when combined with active parental guidance.

Scratch Safety Features

Scratch is not just a mere platform for budding programmers; it’s a meticulously crafted environment that prioritizes child safety. With the rise of the digital age and the inherent risks it presents, Scratch stands out by placing the welfare of its young users at the forefront. Let’s delve deeper into the measures Scratch employs to safeguard its young users.

  1. Built-in Safety Features

Scratch stands out not just as a tool for learning programming but also for its relentless commitment to fostering a secure environment. This is particularly evident when you look at the way communication happens on the platform. While many online spaces give users the freedom to chat without restrictions, Scratch takes a more protective stance.

In its approach to public conversations, Scratch veers away from the conventional open chat systems. Instead, it uses a curated list of pre-written and predetermined phrases. This design choice ensures that all exchanges stay within the bounds of what’s appropriate, especially crucial given the young age of many users. By continuously refining this list, Scratch ensures that any phrase that could be potentially misused is removed. At the same time, they regularly introduce new phrases that promote positive interaction. This ongoing effort underlines the platform’s dedication to safeguarding its community, especially its younger members.

  1. Moderation and Reporting Mechanisms

To maintain a child-friendly environment on an online platform, continuous vigilance and responsiveness are essential. Scratch is keenly aware of this need. Rather than resting on its laurels, the platform has instated robust mechanisms that are dynamic and efficient.

At the heart of Scratch’s moderation efforts is a dedicated team of individuals, always on the lookout. These moderators actively supervise all content generated by users. With specialized training, they can identify and swiftly remove any material that might not align with Scratch’s community guidelines. Whether it’s a project, a comment, or any other form of content, if it’s inappropriate, the moderators ensure it doesn’t linger.

Beyond this internal oversight, Scratch also believes in the power of its community. Users aren’t just passive consumers; they are active guardians of the platform’s ethos. If someone stumbles upon content they deem unsuitable, the platform makes it easy for them to raise a flag. With a streamlined reporting feature, any user can quickly highlight concerning content. This partnership between Scratch and its users ensures a more comprehensive safety net, underscoring the platform’s commitment to a safe and collaborative learning environment.

  1. Privacy Settings

One of the foundational principles Scratch abides by is the non-commercialization of personal data. The platform holds itself to rigorous privacy standards, ensuring that no user’s personal data gets shared with third-party entities or used for any commercial agendas.

But Scratch’s commitment to privacy doesn’t stop at just data protection. Recognizing that every user might have different comfort levels about what they share and with whom, Scratch has embedded a feature allowing customizable privacy controls. Users, along with their guardians, can finetune their settings to their liking. This could range from deciding who views their projects to determining who can interact with them through comments or messages. Whether someone wishes to showcase their creation to the entire Scratch community or only to a close-knit group, these adjustable settings ensure that the choice remains in the user’s hands. Such provisions underscore Scratch’s dedication not just to fostering creativity, but also to ensuring that creativity flourishes in a safe and controlled environment

Related Reading: Who Created Scratch?
Scratch Coding Tips for Beginners 


Scratch Safety Concerns

Scratch, for all its advantages and safety measures, operates in the vast and unpredictable realm of the internet. Like any digital platform, it’s subject to certain vulnerabilities. Understanding these risks is the first step toward ensuring a safer environment for kids. Let’s delve deeper into these concerns:

1. Exposure to Inappropriate Content

Every online platform, no matter how secure, can sometimes face challenges. Scratch is no exception, despite its dedicated efforts to ensure a safe environment.

One of the great things about Scratch is that it allows users to share their creations. This promotes creativity and sharing, but it also opens the door to potential issues. There might be times when a user posts something that doesn’t quite fit with Scratch’s safe guidelines. The Scratch team is always on alert and acts fast, but there can be brief moments when such content is visible.

Another aspect to consider is the subjective nature of content. While certain content is clearly not suitable, there are areas that are not so black and white. Something one user sees as a fun project might be viewed differently by another. It’s this variability in interpretation that emphasizes the need for ongoing discussions about online safety, both on the platform and at home.

2. Interaction with Strangers

Scratch’s community is truly one of its standout features, a lively space where users collaborate, learn, and share their masterpieces. This community spirit, while mostly enriching, can sometimes present challenges.

While Scratch aims for positive and constructive interactions, the online world’s anonymous nature means there’s always an element of uncertainty about who’s on the other side. An account that may seem like it’s operated by another young coder might, in reality, be someone else entirely. This ambiguity underscores the need for caution, reminding us that while the platform is friendly, the wider internet has its shadows.

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Moreover, younger users, with their open and trusting nature, might not always spot the subtle signs when someone has ulterior motives. Platforms lke Scratch, no matter how fortified their safety measures, are part of the broader online ecosystem, where not everyone has the best intentions. It’s an unfortunate truth, but it emphasizes the importance of educating young users about online interactions and ensuring they approach online conversations with a measure of caution.

3. Cyberbullying Concerns

The wonders of the internet come with their own set of shadows, and one of the most prevalent issues is cyberbullying. It’s a modern challenge, with bullying evolving from playgrounds to screen-lit rooms.

On Scratch, the platform’s design promotes sharing and feedback. This is great for learning and improving, but there’s a flip side. While many users provide constructive comments, there are instances where feedback can turn overly negative or even cruel. What starts as a simple critique can snowball, with a barrage of hurtful comments making a user feel singled out or under attack.

Further complicating the online environment is the group mentality. Just like in real-world settings, online platforms, including Scratch, can see the emergence of groups or cliques. Sometimes, these groups can become exclusive, casting out or ridiculing others. The sense of belonging to a group can embolden individuals, leading them to act in ways they might not on their own. This dynamic can sour a user’s experience on Scratch, turning what should be a fun learning platform into a source of distress.

While Scratch has numerous mechanisms in place to counter such behaviors, awareness and active discussions about the potential pitfalls of online interactions remain essential for a wholesome experience.

How Parents & Guardians Can Keep Kids Safe on Scratch

Understanding the risks associated with any online platform is only half the battle. The other half involves proactive measures and interventions to ensure your child’s safety. Scratch, while an invaluable educational tool, also presents some challenges. Here’s how parents can confidently navigate and mitigate these concerns:

Open Dialogue about Inappropriate Content

As the digital age takes hold, it’s more crucial than ever to guide our young ones through the vast online landscape. Before they even click on their first Scratch project, sit them down for a chat about the kind of content they might come across. What is appropriate? What isn’t? As they mature and explore more, evolve these discussions to match their growing understanding. Alongside this education, it’s also vital to establish clear boundaries. By laying out what’s acceptable and what isn’t, and more importantly, explaining the ‘why’ behind these rules, you empower them to make safe choices independently.

Monitoring and Limiting Interactions with Strangers

While Scratch offers a treasure trove of learning opportunities, it’s still a part of the vast internet. One of the best ways to ensure your child’s online safety is to be an active participant in their digital journey. Spend some time exploring Scratch with them. Look at what they’re creating, who they’re chatting with, and the kind of feedback they’re giving and receiving. This involvement does more than just keep them safe; it’s a bonding experience, a shared journey into the world of block coding. Alongside this hands-on approach, there’s a need for candid conversations about the potential dangers of online interactions. Ensure they grasp the golden rule of the internet: never share personal details, no matter how friendly the other person seems.

Tackling Cyberbullying Head-On

The unfortunate reality of online platforms is the presence of cyberbullying. To combat this, foster an environment where your child feels they can come to you with anything. Let them know that they’re in a judgment-free zone, where they won’t be reprimanded for being a victim of online harassment. It’s equally important to give them the tools to handle these situations. Discuss strategies like ignoring trolls, reporting malicious users, and when things seem overwhelming, stepping back and seeking your help. To ensure you’re prepared, familiarize yourself with Scratch’s in-built features designed to report and combat bullying. By staying informed, you play a proactive role in preserving the platform’s integrity and ensuring a safe space for your child.

Using Technology to Your Advantage

In this digital age, technology isn’t just the platform where activities happen; it’s also the tool that can ensure these activities are safe and productive. Dive into the depths of Scratch’s privacy options together with your child. Tweak these settings to find the perfect blend of interaction and protection. For younger kids, leaning towards more protective settings can offer peace of mind. But beyond just in-platform settings, consider the broader picture. With a myriad of apps and tools available today, it’s easier than ever to manage how long your child spends on Scratch. By setting reasonable limits, you ensure that they enjoy their online learning while also making time for offline activities and interactions.

Foster a Positive Online Etiquette

The online world is a reflection of the real world, and just as we teach children to be polite and considerate in person, the same lessons apply digitally. Kids often look up to the adults around them, mimicking their behaviors. Use this to your advantage by exemplifying positive online interactions. Whether it’s leaving uplifting comments, offering kind feedback, or simply navigating online spaces with courtesy, these actions set a standard for them to emulate. But it’s not just about individual interactions. The communities they immerse themselves in play a significant role in shaping their online experiences. Steer them towards parts of Scratch known for their supportive and engaging members. These positive spaces not only enrich their learning journey but also ensure they’re surrounded by a nurturing digital community.


In our rapidly evolving digital age, concerns over online safety are not just valid but vital. Scratch, as an innovative and educational platform, offers immense opportunities for young minds to cultivate creativity, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy. However, like any playground—be it online or offline—it comes with its challenges.

While it’s natural for parents to harbor apprehensions, it’s essential to remember that Scratch, at its heart, is designed with the safety of its young users in mind. The platform continually evolves, adapting to emerging online threats and bolstering its safety mechanisms. But the true cornerstone of a child’s safety on Scratch, or any online platform, is informed guidance.

By fostering open communication, setting boundaries, and remaining actively involved in your child’s digital journey, you become their most significant asset in navigating the online world. With the right guidance and oversight, Scratch transforms from a potential digital minefield into a haven of creativity and learning.

Scratch Coding for Kids

Thinking about introducing your child to the world of coding? Scratch is an excellent, kid-friendly platform to kick things off. But, to truly unlock its potential, a little guidance goes a long way. That’s where Code Galaxy steps in. Our experienced educators simplify complex coding ideas, making them digestible and engaging for young minds. We believe in blending fun with learning, ensuring each class feels like an adventure.

Ready to see the magic unfold? Dive deeper into the coding universe with us. Sign up for a free trial at Code Galaxy, and let’s start this exciting coding journey together!




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